Monday, September 14, 2009

Rocket Attacks (Just) On Sderot, Israel 2002-2008

Living in southern Israel is living in a war zone. Note the numbers of attacks on the town of Sderot.

There have been about 226 attacks since the end of the fighting over the Winter of 2008-2009. The battle/campaign into Gaza did reduce the attacks.

It is clear, and it has been clear for over 60 years, maybe for 2000 years, the for the Jews to live in Israel we will have to fight. But, this is true for all countries. The United States was conquered by the Europeans against the Indians and the Spanish and the French, and the US is still fighting. The Europeans have had constant war among one another and against the whole world. The Africans constantly war against one another. The Tibetans are fighting the Chinese, who are also fighting the Taiwan Chinese. The Russians wage war consistently. And, so on.

Countries constantly fight and the battles for our place in our Land are similar.

There Are Two Understandings Regarding Israel

There are two understandings to be addressed regarding the Land of Israel. One understanding is for Jews and the other is for non-Jews.

History demonstrates that Jews have no home in this world other than the Land of Israel, called Palestine after the Romans conquered the Jews, called Judea, Shomron, and by the names of the twelve tribes after Israel conquered the Land under Yehoshua (Joshua) according to the Torah, the Five Books of Moses. Since the Jews were exiled from the land by the Romans, we have been invited into and forced out of numerous countries. Unlike other peoples, we have maintained our identity for thousands of years, and we have therefore experienced as a nation the wandering of the world. It is clear, both from the Torah and from the events of history, that Jews belong nowhere but in the Land of Israel.

There has never been a time since our exile that some Jews have not lived in the Land. Our people have returned to the Land throughout our exile in larger and smaller numbers. No other place has been considered the place to return to. The 1700s saw the beginning of organized return to the Land and the 1800s saw a more massive return that grew stronger and stronger like the powerful springs that feed rivers.

Our prayers and holy books mention the Land of Israel and our return hundreds and hundreds of times. The Land of Israel occupies a central place in our understanding of our place in the Universe.

No explanation needs to be given for our settlement of the Land. No apologies. No excuses. Russians do not explain to anyone why they live in their country. Kenyans do not apologize for living in Kenya. Europeans do not apologize for living in Europe (though they should apologize for destroying much of the world with their brutalities and for now trying to play world diplomat and policeman.)

The Land of Israel is the Land of the Jews, Israel is the Jewish country. It is our land and our country. Welcome.