Monday, June 2, 2014

We just have to persevere

We just have to persevere.  What is the alternative?

For Jews, I do not think that weakening the country of Israel makes sense.  Why even bring up the topic?  Because for Israel, as for most other countries in the world, there are always people and forces calling for a country to do this or that which probably weakens that country.  NATO pushes East and wants the Russians to accept it without a comment.  Iran wants to expand its influence in the world and its government screams at anyone who pushes back.  China extends its territorial claims and plays games with Japan and Korea and Taiwan and so on and does not want anyone to push back.  Ethnic groups in country after country want to remake their countries and country after country wants a little bit of land from this other country and that other country and so on.  So it is for Jews and Israel.  Jews want to do things to strengthen their country or to repel the aggressions of other countries.  Jews just have to take their best shot at doing what's good for Israel and working through things with the rest of the world and everything will just go from there.  Getting it right sometimes, screwing it up sometimes.  Bearing the burden of distortions and reaping the benefits of accuracies. 

I do not think it ever gets easier.

The Scots have had to put up with England for about 700 years and now things are loosening up.  But they are still going to have to put up with England and the rest of their neighbors.

It's a pain to be alive a lot of the time, but the alternative ain't exactly better.